Developed in Denmark
The Medicovi company has been developing and manufacturing orthopedic shoe insoles for over 30 years. We are the largest producer of orthopedic insoles in Denmark.
Over 30 years in the market, we have produced tens of thousands of orthopedic insoles - all with our unique design.
The MEDICOVI sensory water-filled orthopedic insole was developed using advanced expertise in the field of medicine at the Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine (ICMM) of the University of Copenhagen and the Center for Sensomotor Interaction at Aalborg University in Denmark.

Over three decades in the market
This experience ensures that our orthopedic insoles are the best for the health of your feet.
In the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary, the Medicovi company has been operating since 2014 through the Lumatix s.r.o. company based in Bratislava.
We continuously analyze data, study consumer feedback, and test new innovations to ensure our insoles provide maximum support and protection.