Fallen arch
Morton's Neuroma
Ankle pain

A fallen arch is a deformity where the longitudinal or transverse arch, or sometimes both, collapses. The cause of a fallen arch can be congenital or acquired. Acquired fallen arch arises during a person's lifetime due to weakened muscles and tendons of the foot. Overweight individuals are also prone to this condition.

Typical symptoms pointing to a fallen arch include ankle pain, cramps (mainly in the calves), varicose veins, and pain in the feet, knees, lower back, and spine.

The arch is primarily held in place by the muscles and tendons in the foot.

Genetically, we are adapted to walking barefoot on hard and uneven surfaces, where the muscles and tendons of the feet are evenly strained. Nowadays, we mostly walk on even surfaces and in tight footwear, which often has a fixed foot support (insoles with a raised arch).

Wearing footwear with insoles that have a raised arch results in weakening of the tendons and muscles of the feet. This uneven foot strain causes the arch to drop, leading to foot pain. Uneven strain on the foot surface, along with the associated constant weight and pressure, directly relates to decreased foot blood circulation, as vessels and capillaries are compressed by weight. Skin cells thus lose their energy supply and "get tired". They lose some of their load-bearing capacity, collapse, and pain arises.

Morton's Neuroma

Morton's neuralgia (also known as Morton's toe, Morton's foot, or Morton's neuroma) manifests as pain in the front part of the foot, usually between the third and fourth toes. Besides pain, other neurological symptoms such as tingling, burning, and decreased sensitivity may occur in the foot area.

A hallmark of metatarsalgia is intense pain, especially in tight shoes and during walking or prolonged standing. The pain might lessen upon removing the shoes. A higher incidence of Morton's neuralgia has been recorded in people with a fallen arch.

Hallux Valgus (Bunion)

A bunion, or Hallux Valgus, is a forefoot deformity where the big toe deviates from its axis and moves towards the other toes. This foot pathology arises due to weakened tendons and muscles in the foot. Factors exacerbating this condition include: tight shoes with improperly positioned tips, high heels, physical overexertion, and injuries.

Given the wider foot shape in such cases, suitable choices are orthopedic insoles Medicovi H20 (for regular wear) or A40, which are tailored for increased strain during prolonged standing or walking (for instance, during work).

Pain in the Foot Arch

Most painful problems in the foot arch arise because, with age, the foot widens and the skin of the foot stretches. At the same time, the skin on the toes loses its flexibility and fat reserves reduce.

This negative age-related trend also limits energy storage, thereby reducing the support capability of the arch. The duration of pain-free movement also decreases.

The extent to which this problem burdens individuals varies greatly, which is why Medicovi orthopedic insoles are developed for different levels of strain. The larger the problem, the thicker the Medicovi insole to provide the necessary relief.